Easley Chiropractic Care Helps Back Pain After Back Surgery Surgery and Integrates Extension Exercise into the Treatment Plan

Young Chiropractic offers back pain relief to patients who have already undergone back surgery and still have pain. 

Chiropractic Cox® Technic Can Help.

Many Easley back pain patients undergo back surgery expecting Easley back pain relief. That expectation isn’t always met. Young Chiropractic hears this from Easley back surgery patients and studies it in the spine literature.  49-58% relief of pain for sciatica (leg pain) because of a disc herniation is common. (1) Post-surgical back pain patients may discover that they have back pain after Easley back surgery. What are some options? Spinal manipulation and exercise is one such option. The American College of Physicians and American Pain Society suggest spinal manipulation for low back pain relief. (2) One patient reported 89% improvement with 12 spinal manipulation sessions plus exercise. (3) A study of 69 post-surgical back pain patients cared for with Cox® Technic - like they are at Young Chiropractic – found that 81% of patients exhibited at least 50% reduction of pain at the end of 3 months of care. 78.6% of those patients had persistent pain relief at 2 years’ follow up. (4) Easley chiropractic relief for post-surgical back pain patients often meets a patient’s expectation of back pain relief. Young Chiropractic invites you or a suffering friend or family member to visit today.

Listen to this PODCAST on The Back Doctors’ Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson in which Dr. David Atiyeh shares the case of a patient who had undergone back surgery expecting pain relief and post-surgically found pain relief with chiropractic Cox® Technic care.

Young Chiropractic recommends extensor strengthening exercises when back pain patients are ready for them.

Extension Exercise

Easley back pain sufferers often get relief by flexing forward just a bit, not flexing backward into extension. (Check out the SPINE article May 2018 on our website about why!) Extension is not all bad. A healthy spine can extend. A healthy spine needs strong back muscles to support all its movements. Strengthening those extensor muscles to stop Easley back pain is important. Research reports that lumbar spine extension weakness and extensor muscle deconditioning are found in Easley chiropractic patients with chronic low back pain. (5) Why? Back muscles degenerate in back pain sufferers like spinal discs degenerate. (6) Integrate extension exercises into your day when your Easley chiropractor tells you it is appropriate. Young Chiropractic can help!

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