Young Chiropractic Enjoys Satisfied Easley Chiropractic Patients!
“I feel great!”
With the lifetime prevalence of low back pain experience reported to be as high as 70%-80%, there are many Easley low back pain sufferers. Many of those go on to have chronic pain and keep searching for relief. With this knowledge, a group of researchers is undertaking a study of these patients’ care by means of four different ways: information/advice only; physiotherapy/information/advice; chiropractic care; chiropractic care/physiotherapy/information/advice. Statistics will be gathered from the anticipated 600 participating back pain persons at 3, 6 and 12 months of care for effectiveness of care: cost, quality of life, pain relief, etc. (1) Which chronic low back pain care group do you think will benefit most? Young Chiropractic anticipates good news from this project!
Ninety percentof patients in a study of chronic neck pain and back pain patients seeking care with chiropractors at 125 different clinics stated high satisfaction with their care. Avoiding surgery was the chief reason for seeking chiropractic. Young Chiropractic respects that motivation to seek chiropractic care for back pain and neck pain, the two most common types of chronic pain! And chiropractic spinal manipulation care is a popular non-drug approach for chronic pain. (2) Young Chiropractic specializes in satisfying Easley chronic back pain relief care.
CONTACT Young Chiropractic
Schedule a Easley chiropractic appointment to experience satisfying back pain care at Young Chiropractic. Young Chiropractic anticipates hearing your response to the back pain relief you find with your very own Easley chiropractic treatment plan.