How Long Do I Have to See The Chiropractor?
"Why do I need on-going chiropractic treatments for my back pain? Why can't you, my Easley chiropractor, just treat it and end the pain forever?"
This is not an unexpected question, and it's also really logical. The answer is logically simple, too, though dual: we are born with spinal issues or we acquire them.
Some of us are born with spinal conditions that will be with us all life through. Such conditions as spondylolisthesis, transitional vertebrae, fused vertebrae, and spinal curvatures are distinctive to one's own spine. There is no path to "get a new back bone" if one of these conditions is ours. So we must figure out how to use our spines so as to not trigger pain. Your Easley chiropractor at Young Chiropractic can deliver the spinal manipulation intended to ease your specific spinal condition. Then, you will want to think about its
- proper ergonomic use (how to lift, bend, twist, sit, stand, walk, climb, reach, pull, etc.). You do not want to put your now-pain-relieved spine in jeopardy again.
- nutritional needs - Young Chiropractic will share some nutrition ideas to strengthen certain weaknesses of the spine.
- strengthening prerequisites - Our simple exercises do not take long but will take you and your spine far in keeping it strong!
It is in these continued spine problems that we - you and your Easley chiropractor - must collaborate for the greatest outcome, even coming in for occasional spinal manipulation. (1)
Some of us injure our backs. We do things that hurt the best of spines: tumbling off a snowmobile or ladder or wakeboard or lifting too much weight. You get the idea - things we do in everyday activities of daily living may harm us, and we wind up with back pain. So, when we damage the spine to the level that we cause intervertebral disc degeneration, a herniated disc, arthritis, misaligned vertebrae, etc., we now will contend with a spinal weakness which may become the weak link in our spinal health.
We all must maintain a strong, well-aligned spine and utilize the spine with the respect and knowledge of staying away from those activities that could cause it pain.
How? You and your Easley chiropractor see each other every now and then. An occasional visit to Young Chiropractic for spinal alignment and review of healthy spine maintenance is good. Continued spinal manipulation after the initial pain-relieving care is even described as a way to maintain long-term benefit. (1) Truly, prevention is far better than having to go through repeated treatment of Easley back pain. It averts pain and suffering in this moment and decreases the risk of further spine pain in the future.
A new report described the reality of low back pain being a major reason for disability globally. It’s persistent or recurrent for many people. It is not common that it just goes away and never returns. Fortunately, chiropractic maintenance care or management treatment plan has been documented as effective in reducing painful days for some sufferers. Patients for whom maintenance care was reported to be of high value saw such care as “patient-centered” while cost, (un)availability of care, and fear of treatment worried others. (2) Young Chiropractic strives to address all of these concerns which often go away as the back pain decreases.
Whether you were born with it or developed it, back pain is not fun. Aid is possible with Young Chiropractic. Just understand that there is a logical need and even benefit for occasional spinal manipulation and chiropractic care for certain spine conditions. (1)
CONTACT Young Chiropractic
Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. William Hoffman on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he describes the initial back pain relieving treatment with The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management and the benefit patients discover with on-going chiropractic care.
Schedule your Easley chiropractic appointment with Young Chiropractic today for more information about your spine's specific condition and treatment plan for pain relief.